The Millers

Hi friends! Millers here.

Life is crazy huh? One week you’re in Florida enjoying the sun and family, and the next you’re dealing with a health pandemic.

We want you to know that we do not take this lightly and understand the fears and anxiety that this new pause on life has caused. However, despite how hard it has been and might continue to be, we are attempting to turn our worry into positivity!

This has redirected our focus and allowed us to trust God and have the faith that He has a plan in all of this. We both are pretty big control freaks and planners so this setback has settled us into the posture of leaning into our faith rather than our own efforts.

So with all that being may be thinking, “what does this mean for the…

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When it comes to buying a home, there is a lot to think about. From the location, to how many bedrooms, to garage space, there are multiple factors to consider. How about buying an existing home versus buying new construction? We have lived in both an existing home and in a new construction home, and while there are definitely pros to both, I think it is important to highlight why new construction is a great option.

1. New construction homes are move-in ready.

While this may seem like a fairly obvious point, I think that it is an important one to reiterate. While an existing home may have some old charm, oftentimes, it does require some work, whether that be simply updating some outdated countertops or as costly as replacing an old roof. The…

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